12 Oct 2009

Liba-rated 09 part 1

This year libarated, our annual Cultural fest, had some special. flavor.
Theme Being shriek fest, the setup was all dark n gloomy but the mood enthusiastic. Guys n gals worked some days n nights to make this event a hit. kudos to u ppl. And yeah Liba being ranked 9th this year was something to celebrate (finally it got, what was deserved and awaited). Amonst many flavors, nigel and Cerys brought some goan flavor to the show, here's the clipping for the performance. hope u ppl enjoy this.
Libarated 09 nigel n cerys Jive performance
I shall be posting other events very soon... so stay tuned.
visit My youtube channel for other videos.

any difference of opinion is welcome

10 Oct 2009

Nobel Peace Prize - Twitter reactions

This is just an assortment of people's funny reaction over the news :
  • Reagan wins cold war no Nobel Peace Prize; Obama makes suggestions of peace gets NPP Truly the NPP has lost all credibility
  • Bush liberates millions in the middle east, and Obama gets the Nobel Peace Prize.
  •  I think BeyoncĂ© should have won that Nobel Peace Prize.
  • Nothing major - Barack Obama won theNobel Peace Prize. The usual. ;-)
  • just voted "No" on "Did President Obama deserve to win the Nobel Peace Prize?" vote too ➔ http://bit.ly/o176T
  • heh, can see headlines now "17 INJURED INPEACE PRIZE RIOTS"...!
  • Yes, Obama deserved the Nobel Peace prize.. he hasn't started a war... yet!
  • The Nobel Peace Prize: Another way of saying thanks for doing our dirty work
  • You are hereby sentenced to aNobel Peace Prize.
  • just voted "Yes" on "Did President Obama deserve to win the Nobel Peace Prize?" vote too ➔ http://bit.ly/o176T
  • What accomplishments one needs in order to receive a Nobel Peace Prize????
  • what a week - Obama's nobel peace prize, an explosion on the moon, Ozzy Osbourne got a driver's license, no wonder I wasn't in the news.
  • Fidel Castro lauds Nobel prize for Obama: HAVANA (Reuters) - Former Cuban leader Fidel Castro lauded the awardi..
  • What is the difference between a Google Wave invite and a Nobel prize? Correct. Anyone can get a Nobel. :):):)
  • The new mantra for peace: om-bamaya namahom-bamaya namah,
  • That is cool that Obama got the Nobel Peace Prize... I am just not sure exactly what he did? Is it that we didn't Nuke Iran?
  • My youngest just broke up a fight between his younger sisters. How do I notify Nobel Prize committee?
  • At least Obama didn't get the Nobel Prize in economics for only giving 1% of the stimulus funds to the small biz that create 95% of all jobs
  • Peace Prize hmmm so where's the peace?
  •  i want a nobel prize too! atleast that'll 'encourage' me to do something BIG in some field! nd please NOT in history...i hate that subject!!
  • does Obama receiving the Nobel Peace Prize really upset everyone that much? He received a PEACE prize, why are we HATING him for that?
  • When I woke up this morning, I had NOT won a Nobel prize. I guess there's always next year.
  • Obama HImself :"This morning, Michelle and I awoke to some surprising and humbling news. At 6 a.m., we received word that I’d been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009.
    To be honest, I do not feel that I deserve to be in the company of so many of the transformative figures who’ve been honored by this prize — men and women who’ve inspired me and inspired the entire world through their courageous pursuit of peace."

any difference of opinion is welcome

Pandora's Box

Recently came across a mast mast blog by fellow libaite who has whole new perspective abt what's happening in & out of LIBA. It's an interesting read. More so, this includes all gossips and all which is tabu to disclose publicly. Another feature which I like in it is the names given to the characters , that's hilarious.